My research focuses on threat discovery and attack attribution. I recruit doctoral students and professional masters. Applicants with a solid foundation in the following directions are welcome: security, vulnerability mining, reverseing and cracking, network traffic analyse, and machine learning.
2003.09--2008.12 SKLOIS, ISCAS Beijing Ph.D of Information security
1999.09--2003.06 School of Computer Science, Shandong University Jinan, SD B.Eng. of Computer Science
2014.10~Present Institute of Information Engineering(IIE), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) School of Cybersecurity, UCAS
2014.10~2017.06 IIE, CAS Beijing Professor, Ph.D Supervisor Director of the Executive Office of SKLOIS
2012.01~2014.09 IIE, CAS Beijing Associate Professor, Ph.D Supervisor
2011.01~2012.01 Institute of Software, CAS(ISCAS) Beijing Associate Professor
2009.04~2010.12 ISCAS Beijing Assistant Professor
General Co-Chair of the 4th International Conference of Science of Cybersecurity, SciSec2022, Japan, 2022.
General Co-Chair of the 3rd International Conference of Science of Cybersecurity, SciSec2021, Shanghai China, 2021.
PC Chair of the 2st International Conference of Science of Cybersecurity, SciSec2019, Nanjing China, 2019.
Program committee member of the 2nd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services, SICBS 2018, Guilin China, 2018.
Co-editor in Chief of the International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, IJDCF, 2018-2023.
Sponsor and PC Chair of the 1st International Conference of Science of Cybersecurity, SciSec2018, Beijing China, 2018.
Program committee member of 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, IEEE CIT 2017.
Program committee member of The 3rd International Workshop on Digital Crime and Forensics, IWDCF 2017.
Program committee member of 11th International Conference on Provable Security, ProvSec 2017.
Committee member of the Competition Practice Working Committee of CyberSecurity Association of China (CSAC).
Program committee member of 5th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IWBF2017.
TPC co-chair of 2017 WASE International Conference on Information Engineering, ICIE2017.
PC Chair of The 2nd International Workshop on Digital Crime and Forensics, Beijing China, November 2016.
Program committee member of 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, IEEE CIT 2016.
Organizing chair of IWDW2016, Beijing China, 17-19 2016.
IIE Outstanding strategic research report 2017.
IIE Outstanding strategic research report 2015.
SKLOIS best paper award 2013.
JVCIR (Elsevier) top 25 viewed paper award 2012.
IIE & SKLOIS best paper award 2012.
IIE faculty award 2012.
SKLOIS faculty award 2012.
If you are interested in the above information, please send your resume, transcript, personal statement and other materials to Dr. Liu Feng (liufeng(at)iie.ac.cn). Security researchers are welcome to apply.