GAN Inversion for Image Editing via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2024) (ICME) 2024.3.13,

Siyu Xing, Chen Gong, Hewei Guo, Xiao-Yu Zhang, Xinwen Hou, Yu Liu


Existing GAN inversion methods work brilliantly in reconstructing high-quality (HQ) images while struggling with more common low-quality (LQ) inputs in practical application. To address this issue, we propose Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) in the inversion process, namely UDA-inversion, for effective inversion and editing of both HQ and LQ images. Regarding unpaired HQ images as the source domain and LQ images as the unlabeled target domain, we introduce a theoretical guarantee: loss value in the target domain is upper-bounded by loss in the source domain and a novel discrepancy function measuring the difference between two domains. Following that, we can only minimize this upper bound to obtain accurate latent codes for HQ and LQ images. Thus, constructive representations of HQ images can be spontaneously learned and transformed into LQ images without supervision. UDA-Inversion achieves a better PSNR of 22.14 on FFHQ dataset and performs comparably to supervised methods.