Modified 2D-Ghost-Free Stereoscopic Display with Depth-of-Field Effects
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) 2022.05.12,
Backward-compatible stereoscopic display, a novel display technique that can simultaneously present satisfying 3D effects to viewers with stereo glasses and clear 2D contents to viewers without, aims to help the people who are unsuitable for watching 3D movies for a long time. In this paper, we introduce two versions of backward-compatible stereoscopic display: the simpler version is far simpler than Hidden Stereo (the state-of-the-art method) while preserving competitive 2D-3D effects; the advanced version, which we call 2D-Ghost-Free Stereoscopic Display, overcomes the limitation that Hidden Stereo and the simpler version are both confined to small absolute disparity. 2D-Ghost-Free Stereoscopic Display improves tolerable disparity range by adding depth-of-field in the regions with large disparity, so that it can be applied to more scenes of 3D movies. User experiments and theoretical analysis both demonstrate the superiority of 2D-Ghost-Free Stereoscopic Display over the state-of-the-art method and our simpler version. In addition, to make the user experiments double-blind and automatic, we developed a user study system that can automatically present 3D images and videos in NVIDIA 3D Vision 2 and collect corresponding votes of subjects on stimuli, whereas the previous researchers did not state that their user experiments were double-blind